The following post-surgical instructions are to aid you in your recovery following oral surgery. Remember that bleeding is stopped mainly by pressure NOT by rinsing your mouth. Preservation of the clot in the surgery is the most important factor to aid proper healing after surgery.
Bite the gauze in your mouth for 1/2 hour after surgery, then discard.
For discomfort, take what you usually take for pain for the fist 12 hours. If any prescription for pain is given, follow the instructions step by step.
You are to apply an ice pack to the side of the face where the surgery took place, 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off for two hours.
Relax for 24 hours, preferably lying down with your head above your feet. Avoid any heavy physical or mental exercise, avoid sun exposure or hot environment for 24 hours.
Do not rinse your mouth for 24 hours,
Two days from now soak your mouth with warm salt water ( 1 teaspoon of salt for 1/2 glass of water). If the surgery area gets swollen use a hot compress after 24 hours.
DO NOT smoke and DO NOT drink hot liquid or alcoholic beverages for 24 hours.
When brushing your teeth avoid the blood clot. Blot your mouth of any blood or saliva, but do not spit it out.
Avoid using a straw for 2 weeks as it may cause the blood clot to dislodge and delay healing.
Eat-drink liquid/soft foods for the first 24 hours, preferably cold foods (water, ice cream, milk shakes, popsicles, milk, soups, broth, yogurt, fruity juices), and chew on the opposite side. Avoid hot food for today.
If there is a persistent bleeding, place a piece of gauze over the extraction/implant area and bite down firmly. If bleeding continues place a dry tea bag (if you are not allergic or have no caffeine restrictions) over site, bite for 30 minutes, then discard.
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