You will receive personalized attention with the latest technology. Besides our procedures are guaranteed for life as we assume an eternal commitment to our patients.
Every patient interested in having implants placed abroad would like to know what to expect for their visits. Here is a step by step explanation of what you can expect for your visit to Punta Cana Oral Health
APPOINTMENT #1 Evaluation and Treatment Planning Approximately 45 minutes After synchronized the transportation with the driver we provide from the airport to your hotel, and then from the hotel to the clinic, once you arrive to the clinic for your evaluation we´ll start off with a series of X-rays, Periapical X-rays and CT Scans will be taken in order to properly evaluate your teeth and surrounding structures and nerves. Next you´ll have a full exploration of your teeth and gums. Based on your feedback, and the discoveries from the evaluation, we´ll plan the placement of the implants and provide you with the best plan action. APPOINTMENT #2 Surgery We´ll have everything ready for your surgery and will have explained all the post operation instructions before getting started. If you are being sedated, then you would be put under by an anesthesiologist and you´ll need to come on a fast 8 hours prior. With guided surgery we will not have to cut open your gums, you´ll have a customized mouth guard (surgical guide) that is adapted to the arch having the implants placed. At each implant site there is a hole in the mouth guard where the surgeon will place the implants. There can be no way of the implant being placed crookedly or too deep, and there is no fear of the implant puncturing a nerve or the sinus membrane, since the implant surgery has been designed perfectly with our digital software. After surgery we provide your antibiotics and pain medications.